FISEC as an organisation has one executive body, the FISEC Bureau and two permanent commissions, the Commission Technique Internationale (CTI – International Technical Committee) and the Commission Internationale de Réflection Pédagogique et Pastorale (CIRPP – International Committee of Educational and Pastoral Reflection).
Futhermore FISEC has 14 member countries.
Our Members Click for the list of member countries and their schoolsport organisations.
Bureau Exécutif, for the period 2022 – 2025:
Bureau Exécutif 2022-2025
The mandate of the Bureau members is for a period of 4 years. In 2025 there will be elections again. Bureau members can be re-elected. Members are elected ‘à titre personnel’ and should have the nationality of one of the FISEC member countries. The Bureau meets 3 times per annum and:
The Commission Technique Internationale (CTI), for the period 2022 – 2025
The responsibility of the CTI is to:
The Commission Internationale de Réflection Pédagogique et Pastorale (CIRPP), for the period 2022 – 2025
The CIRPP distinguishes FISEC from other sporting events around the world in that it gives FISEC a Christian and cultural identity. It seeks to promote fair play, human values and cultural exchanges during the games.
During the FISEC Games the CIRPP develops and is responsible for:
FISEC in Latin America
FISEC also wants to invite countries in Latin America to the games. Brazil and Chile recently participated.
Latin America Click for information and to meet our ambassador Jose Medalha.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam On this page we commemorate people from our Fisec family who have passed away in recent years.