Previous News items

FISEC General Assembly 2023

The annual General Assembly of FISEC will take place from November 30 to December 3 in Malta. Thank you for hosting our community!

Published: 24 October 2023

Photo album FISEC-FICEP Games 2023 online

Enjoy a photo selection of the past Games in Dunkerque on the page Games History.

Published : 26 August 2023

In memory of Bernard Bruack

Recently the very sad news reached us that Bernard Bruack, our former colleague and friend, who participated many times in the FISEC Games, passed away on August the 5th at the age of 77.

In Memoriam Message in Memory of Bernard Bruack.

Published: 26 August 2023

FISEC-FICEP Games 2023 Dunkerque: a big success!

The games in Dunkerque were a great success! In 5 days, 800 youngsters from 16 countries met eachother in sports competitions and cultural exchanges.
Thank you UGSEL France for the great organisation!
For all information and results of the FISEC-FICEP Games 2023 visit the website:
International Ugsel
Hope to see you next year!

Published: 18 July 2023

In memory of Jacques Fièvre

The sad news reached us that Jacques Fièvre, a great and beautiful figure of Ugsel and FISEC died at the age of 76.

In Memoriam Message in Memory of Jacques Fièvre (avec version française).

Published: 18 July 2023

Games 2023 in Dunkerque, France

The FISEC-FICEP Games are held from 10 to 16 July in Dunkerque, France.
This city is located on the North Sea coast in northwestern France.
UGSEL, the French Federation of school sports in private education is the organisor.
We invite you to visit the FISEC website regularly for the latest news about the Games.

FISEC-FICEP 2023 Find more information about the Games 2023 and an introduction to the city of Dunkerque.

Published: 27 October 2022, updated 10 July 2023

In memory of Fedora Leali Parisse

With great sadness, we convey the sad news of the passing of Fedora Leali Parisse of FISIAE-FISEC Italia on 13 June 2023.

In Memoriam Message in Memory of Fedora Leali Parisse.

Published: 22 June 2023

Sports program Dunkerque 2023

You can now find the detailed program for each sport in the Games 2023.
Go to the page FISEC-FICEP 2023 or download the program directly from the website International UGSEL.

Published: 14 June 2023

In memory of Jean Bruck (1931-2023)

Through UGSEL, the FISEC member organisation from France, the sad news reached us that on May 2nd, 2023 our esteemed former Supervisor/OTI athletics, Mr Jean Bruck passed away at the age of ninety-two.

In Memoriam Message in Memory of Jean Bruck (avec version française).

Published: 10 May 2023

Drawing Team Competitions 2023

Click here for the drawing of the team competitions in the Games 2023.

Published: 9 May 2023

Participating countries in the FISEC-FICEP Games 2023

The inscriptions for the Games in Dunkerque are closed.
They were a big succes. We expect more than 900 participants from the following countries: Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain.
On the page “FISEC-FICEP 2023” you can find the participating teams in each sport.

Published: 3 March 2023, updated 11 May 2023

In memory of Steve Sanderson (1950-2023)

The sad news reached us that our esteemed friend and colleague Steve Sanderson passed away in peace on March 13th, 2023, after a long sickbed.

In Memoriam Message in Memory of Steve Sanderson.

Published: 19 March 2023

FISEC Rules Gymnastics

The rules for the competition in Gymnastics were added to the page “Documents”.

Published: 3 March 2023

Inscriptions for FISEC-FICEP Games 2023

All countries can still add participants. The confirmation of the definitive Non Nominative inscriptions has to be done the latest the 15th of February 2023.
To be sent to the secretary and the president of CTI FISEC: ;

Published: 23 January 2023

ESK-volunteer vacancy

Dear FISEC members and friends,
Our partner organisation FICEP informed us of the following interesting vacancy in Austria at SportUnion. A brief description below and additional information in the attached document and websites. 

The SPORTUNION is happy to announce that next year’s spot as an ESK-volunteer is now open for application (Deadline: November 29th).
The deployment extends from March 2023 to February 2024. You are very welcome to share this information as well as the project description (in the attachment) with potentially interested youngsters.

Partner Countries:
For further questions you can also contact Sebastian Immler:

Attached document: Vacancy Volunteer SportUnion Austria

Published: 17 November 2022

FISEC in Latin America

FISEC also wants to invite countries in Latin America to the games. Brazil and Chile recently participated.
Latin America Click for information and to meet our ambassador Jose Medalha.

Published: 27 October 2022

FISEC General Assembly 2022

From 24-27 November 2022 the General Assembly of FISEC will take place in Dunkerque, France.
We kindly request the national delegates to complete the inscription form they received by e-mail and return it at the earliest, but at least before October 15th.

Published: 27 September 2022

FICEP-FISEC Games 2022: a big succes!

The FICEP-FISEC Games 2022 in Klagenfurt came to an end. It was a week full of emotion, joy and sportive highlights. Thank you SPORTUNION Kärnten for the great organisation!
Visit the website of the Games 2022 for impressions and results:
2022 Klagenfurt Revisit the former page on this website.

Published: 28 August 2022

Welcome bij Lies Janssen and Gerhard Hauer

Welcome words
Click to read the welcome words of Lies Janssen (president FISEC) and Gerhard Hauer (president FICEP) for the FICEP-FISEC Games in Klagenfurt.

Published: 20 July 2022

Participating countries 2022

13 countries will participate at the FICEP-FISEC Games in Klagenfurt:
Austria, Chile, Czech Republic, Flanders, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal and Romania.
2022 Klagenfurt Look for more details about the participation per sport.

Published: 23 May 2022, updated 6 June 2022

Deadlines for FISEC 2022 Klagenfurt

Non-nominative inscriptions: March 31, 2022
Nominative inscriptions, choice events athletics and swimming: June 15, 2022

Published: 15 January 2022

FICEP-FISEC Games 2022 Klagenfurt

From July 23 to 29 Klagenfurt, the provincial capital of Carinthia (Austria), will be the host for the FICEP-FISEC Summer Games.

Visit the website of the games on

Published: 14 January 2022

FISEC General Assembly 2021


For the first time in almost two years a first ‘live’ meeting for the FISEC member community. We look forward to visiting host-country Spain.

On the agenda the postponed elections for a new Executive Bureau, and presentations on future Games, which will be organised together with partner organisation FICEP.

From 23-29 July 2022, the FICEP-FISEC Games will be organised in Klagenfurt Austria.


FICEP-FISEC Games 16-22 July 2020, Duisburg, Germany cancelled due to Covid-19

Very much to the regret of all involved in the preparations of the FICEP-FISEC Games 2020, we have had to decide, in close co-operation with our friends of FICEP and DJK, to cancel the upcoming Games, due to the Covid-19 outbreak in many countries worldwide, including Germany.Although the Games would not take place until mid July, it was considered too much of a health and economic risk to continue with the preparations in a time of great uncertainty.

On behalf of the FISEC Bureau, I would like to thank all those within the COJFI (Organising Committee) for the FICEP-FISEC Games 2020, in particular DJK for their efforts and their professionalism in dealing with this unexpected crisis.
We know that all participating countries appreciate this decision and we sincerely hope that, at a later stage, we will be able to make arrangements for future games.
To DJK, who were hosting these FICEP-FISEC Games during their 100th anniversary year, we wish them an opportunity later this year, to celebrate together this important event.

I wish you and your loved ones good health and wisdom to deal with this crisis.
Until we meet again,

Lies Janssen, President FISEC