Fair Play in sport is participating in a match in a sporting and fair manner, abiding by the rules of the game and having respect for the opponents.
Fair Play is one of the key values of the FISEC Games. This was also reflected in the opinion of participants in the Youth Forums organised recently during the Games. Besides sports performance and friendly relations, they felt Fair Play was the third important pillar for participating in the Games.

Fair Play Symbols
Based on these principles, we have two main symbols. All participants form the circle of friendship before each match in team sports or each day in individual sports, conveying a message of Fair Play to each other. After each match, teams form hedges of honour to congratulate each other on their achievements.
Fair Play Awards
At the end of the games, a fair-play prize is awarded in each sport, both for girls and boys. The trophy is awarded to a team or individual who has shown exceptional behaviour towards opponents, referees and the organisation.
Click here for a list of the Fair Play winners from previous years.
In FISEC, we have a responsibility to protect clean sport. From an educational point of view, we want to inform our young people about the consequences of using banned substances.
Anti-Doping Consult the FISEC anti-doping statement.